
Riverdale 2.Sezon 16.Bölüm

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Riverdale : 2.Sezon 16.Bölüm izle


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Riverdale : 2.Sezon 16.Bölümünde;

Riverdale 2.Sezon 16.Bölüm izle, In the aftermath of Hiram’s newly announced plans for Riverdale, Jughead resorts to drastic measures to voice his opposition. After making her own big announcement, Hermoine’s friend Andy Cohen comes to town to lend a hand. Meanwhile, Veronica goes against her parent’s wishes to keep a low profile when she decides to run for student council president. Elsewhere, Mary arrives in Riverdale just as tensions between Fred and Archie reach a breaking point. Finally, following a series of mysterious events, Cheryl begins to fear that someone is out to get her.

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