Genel Bakış
Unrest izle (2022). Yeni teknolojiler, İsviçre'de 19. yüzyıldan kalma bir saatçilik kasabasını dönüştürüyor. Genç bir fabrika işçisi olan Josephine, mekanik saatin kalbinde sallanan huzursuz çarkı üretiyor. Parayı, zamanı ve emeği örgütlemenin yeni yollarına maruz kalan Rus gezgin Pyotr Kropotkin ile tanıştığı anarşist saat yapımcılarının yerel hareketine dahil olur. In 1877, in a watch factory in a valley in north-western Switzerland, Josephine produces balance spindles, tiny parts that ensure the agitation movement (unrueh) of the mechanical watches. She soon grows uneasy with the organisation of work and possession in the village and its factory and joins the anarchist worker movement of the local watchmakers. There she meets Piotr Kropotkin, a moony Russian traveller. The two of them meet at a time when new technologies such as time measurement, photography and the telegraph are transforming the social order and anarchist discourse is addressing emerging nationalism. During a walk in the woods, Josephine and Piotr ask themselves whether time, money and the government are not all but fictions.
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