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The Sitting Duck izle (2023). Fransız çokuluslu bir nükleer enerji şirketinin en üst düzey temsilcisi Maureen Kearney'in gerçek hikayesi. Fransız nükleer sektörünü sarsan çok gizli anlaşmaları ifşa eden bir muhbir oldu. Dünyaya karşı tek başına, skandalı ortaya çıkarmak ve 50.000'den fazla işi savunmak için hükümet bakanlarına ve endüstri liderlerine karşı dişe diş mücadele etti. Kendi evinde şiddetle saldırıya uğramasıyla hayatı alt üst oldu... La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
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